Tuesday, August 5, 2014

"You go inside the cage? Cage goes in the water? You go in the water? Shark's in the water?"

Warning there be non kayak fishing related posts ahead.

A week from today I embark on an adventure that I have dreamed about since I was a child and I saw the movie Jaws. When I saw that movie in fell in love with sharks and particularly the great white shark. Since that day it has been my dream to be in the water (and in a cage) with these animals. On Tuesday we embark for San Diego to live out that dream. Once there we will spend a couple days visiting family, going to the San Diego Zoo, and checking out the USS Midway museum. Then it is off to a little island off the west coast of Mexico called Isla Guadalupe. 

 We will be taking a Great White Adventures charter out of San Diego and going on a 5 day trip to the island. Guadalupe is the premier spot in the world to dive with these animals due to the up to 100 foot visibility and relatively warm water. For 3 of these days we will be diving with the oceans apex predator. Not only that but I get to fish for tuna on the days we aren't diving which should be almost equally awesome. I am taking 2 Go Pros so by the time it is all said and done I am hoping to have a wealth of footage. Stay tuned for what I hope is some amazing stuff.